Tag Archive for: Brisbane Eyebrow Salon

As one of St Lucia’s top-rated lash and eyebrow boutiques, we often get asked whether your brows can, in fact, grow back naturally. The short answer is yes! However, you may have to be a little patient to see the results you are hoping for. The good news is, we specialise in natural brow restoration and have helped hundreds of women reclaim their eyebrows naturally!

Let’s face it, we’ve all been there: One second you’re plucking a couple of teeny, tiny brow hairs, and the next, half of your eyebrow is gone. So, how do you best go about fixing it and growing back your brows? That’s exactly what we’re here to talk about today.

Why Do Eyebrows Stop Growing Back?

Eyebrow loss can be the result of many things. While specific hair disorders and forms of grooming and plucking are obvious in their ability to halt growth, what’s not so apparent is how environmental and lifestyle habits can also play a role. Some of the reasons you may have difficulty growing back your brows include:

  • Stress
  • Hormone changes
  • Thyroid issues
  • Alopecia
  • Lifestyle habits
  • Environmental pollution
  • Trichotillomania
  • Frequent grooming
  • And the most common one of all – simply overplucking

How Long Does it Typically Take For Eyebrows To Grow Back?

As a general rule of thumb, it takes anywhere from four to eight weeks post-removal to notice any new hairs, though the actual brow growth cycle typically takes three to four months. It really depends on the individual and the cause of brow hair loss.

Designer Brow Boutique are Specialists in Natural Brow Restoration Helping You Grow Back Your Brows Naturally

Designer Brow Boutique are Specialists in Natural Brow Restoration Helping You Grow Back Your Brows Naturally

5 Ways To Speed Up Eyebrow Growth

While it may take some time and patience to see a significant result, there are a few things we can do to encourage new hair growth and speed up the process a little.

1. Throw Out Your Magnifying Mirror

One of the first questions I often ask new clients with sparse brows is whether or not they own a magnifying mirror. To those who reply yes, I say “Toss it!”. It’s the best way to stop overplucking obsessively and lose perspective. You have to let the hair follicles breathe a little, and you’ll see that little by little, hair will start to re-grow naturally.

2. Keep Makeup and Even Moisturiser Away From Your Brows

Avoid any cosmetics on and around your brows. Creams, lotions, serums — anything unnatural you usually put on your face. It blocks brow hair growth and can even make your hair shed.

3. Consider Aftercare Products That Encourage Brow Hair To Grow Back

At Designer Brow Boutique, we have a range of products available that may assist the natural regrowth of your eyebrows. These products are specifically formulated and are packed with vitamins, peptides, and other strengthening ingredients that create an ideal environment for growth. We will happily consult you on what products are best suitable for your unique needs.

Click here to book your next eyebrow appointment at Designer Brow Boutique in St Lucia, Brisbane.

4.  Castor Oil Can Help Hair To Grow Back

Castor oil has been making a comeback in recent years. Just like a good hair conditioner, it keeps your hairs soft so they don’t break. Full brows are trendy now, so it’s better to be overgrown than over-tweezed. Once your brows have grown back, you’ll never go back to the old habits of overplucking.

5. Join Our Natural Eyebrow Restoration Program

Right from the start, we have been specialising in natural brow restoration and have helped hundreds of women successfully regrow their eyebrows naturally. During your 3-weekly appointments at our St Lucia eyebrow boutique, we will evaluate your personal needs and treat your brows accordingly. Having a professional in your corner to cheer you on and provide expert advice can make all the difference. Get in touch today to schedule your appointment at Designer Brow Boutique.

When it comes to beauty and your eyebrows, trends come and go. However, there are some timeless principles when it comes to brow design that will help you create and maintain a more natural look. So, I’ve put together a list of some of my best tips for you.

Six timeless brow design principles for more natural-looking eyebrows you’ll adore!

Principle #1 – Fabulous brows aren’t always perfect

A common misconception when it comes to brow design is that your eyebrows need to be absolutely perfect and symmetrical. However, little variances will give your eyebrows a much more natural look.

Principle #2 – A word about thickness and length

The length from the inner edge of your eyebrow to the arch should be roughly the same as the length from the arch to the end of your brow. Try to maintain uniform thickness from the inner start-up of your brow to the arch, then taper thinner towards the outer end. This will create a balanced look that extends and opens the eyes.

Principle #3 – Start low, end high

The ending tip of the brow should never drop below the level of the beginning of the brow. They should either sit on the same horizon line or the ending tip slightly higher, but never lower.

Principle #4 – Consider the distance between your eyes

If your eyes are a little further apart, start your brows a little closer together. If your eyes are a little closer together, start brows slightly farther apart. It’s all about balance!

Principle #5 – Tweeze in the direction of growth

A common eyebrow mistake is to tweeze in the wrong direction. Begin tweezing from the outside in. Pull the skin taut to ease discomfort and tweeze hair in swift motions. Always tweeze in the direction of growth.

Principle #6 – Step back a little when marvelling at your brow design in the mirror

Step back from your mirror and check progress from a distance. When you look at your brows close up for too long, it can distort your perception. Look at your brows from a natural distance. Avoid a magnifying mirror if possible, as it makes the hairs look much larger and encourage over-tweezing.

Where to go for Brow Design & Natural Brow Restoration in Brisbane

At Designer Brow Boutique in Brisbane’s suburb of St Lucia, we have been specialising in the natural restoration of eyebrows for many years. We believe natural-looking brows are the best brows and provide you with regular treatments and ongoing support to create brows you adore and feel proud of.